CO2 Calculator Methodology

CarbonCare methodology for the implementation of ISO 14083:2023

According to ISO, the CO2e values for the complete transport chain including terminal handling activities are calculated. In addition, cool cargo («cooling») can also be calculated for the entire chain, which also automatically includes refrigerant leaks. The methodology presented here only refers to the free website calculator. The licensees under "BASIC" and BUSINESS" have far more options for calculation and result determination.

The emissions measured by CarbonCare or partners include empty runs and are determined over a period of one year to compensate for seasonal fluctuations.

Detailed Assumptions for Each Mode

Transport Chain Element


Additional Specifications


Shortest feasible distance

A wide variety of diesel-powered trucks are available:

·         3.5T Van

·         7T truck

·         13-18T truck

·         22-26T truck

·         40T truck

The loading factors are uniform at 80%.


Great circle distance

An algorithm based on a wide variety of aircraft types leads to emissions by region, routes and distances.

The customer can choose between passenger aircraft (belly aircraft) and cargo aircraft.

The load factor is 80% or 70% for freighters.


Shortest feasible distance

The container ship data is based on the evaluations of the CCWG (Clean Cargo Working Group) and divides the globe into 31 different routes.

The degree of utilization is 70%


Shortest feasible distance

Inland shipping allows a large selection of different models according to size and large tonnage. Therefore:

Motor vessel , < 40m, < 400T

Motor vessel , < 55m, < 700T

Motor vessel , < 80m, < 1000T

Motor vessel , 85-110m, 1000-2000T

Motor vessel, 135m, 2000-3000T

Coupled convoys, 163-185m

Pushed convoy- Push boat & 2 barges

Pushed convoy- Push boat & 4/5 barges

Pushed convoy- Push boat & 6 barges

Tanker vessel

Container vessels, 110-135m

Container vessel, coupled

The degree of utilization is 55%.


Shortest feasible distance

Routes are divided into electric and diesel-powered routes. Electrical values are adjusted by country and by IEA (International Energy Agency).


Shortest feasible distance

Ferries are divided into small and large RORO and small and large ROPAX ferries.

Small ferries: 0-5000 T gross tonnage

Large ferries: 5000-15000 T gross tonnage.

The calculation requires the specification of the truck size (see transport chain element ROAD), whereby truck and driver are included. The calculation basis for ROPAX is based on the passenger equivalent method and for RORO on the basis of the masses. Therefore, a higher proportion is attributed to the passengers on the ROPAX ferry.


Per tonne transshipped (handled)

Each transport chain element has its own HUB (terminal, train station, airport, etc.). Under ISO, only outbound freight at each HUB is considered. Most HUBs were measured and determined directly by CarbonCare. If cooling is selected, it is also added to each HUB .



In the case of refrigerated freight, the “COOLING” option can be selected right at the beginning. This then considers the cooling for each transport chain element as well as for the HUB. According to ISO, a certain coolant loss is then also taken into account, which has a significant impact on global warming.

CO2e Emission Values

CarbonCare calculates according to ISO 14083:2023. Accordingly, CO2e (equivalents) are published as follows.

CO2e Emission Values >