Global Warming

Dramatic increase in average temperatures

An increase of 2°C compared to the average temperature in pre-industrial times is considered the threshold for catastrophic changes. For this reason, the international community has recognized that global warming must be kept below 2°C. The global average temperature today is 0.85°C higher than at the end of the 19th century. Each of the last three decades has been warmer than any previous decade since records began in 1850. According to the world's leading climate scientists, human activity has almost certainly been the main cause of global warming since the mid-20th century ( ; 2020)..

CO2 Emissions Certificate

In order to support the efforts of companies and to make them internally and externally transparent, CarbonCare issues a certificate for the licensees and, on request, also for their customers every year

Certificate >


CarbonCare is one of the most advanced CO2 emission calculators with a focus on logistics and freight transport of all kinds. Complex routes with different modes of transport and multiple transit points are calculated automatically. Below are two examples of a sea freight container and an air freight shipment.

CO2-Rechner >
Cargo Inland Waterway vessel navigating on a river

Greenhouse Effects

Greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere.

Greenhouse Effects >