Bild eines Gletschers - Atmosphäre Gas Treibhauseffekts

Compensation Partners


Shape our future

For climate-conscious logistics, CarbonCare offers compensation projects in cooperation with the foundation "myclimate". CarbonCare and "myclimate" have agreed on a partnership in which both organizations can contribute their strengths.

With projects of the highest quality, "myclimate" promotes measurable climate protection and sustainable development worldwide. The voluntary compensation of CO₂ emissions is currently taking place in more than 125 climate protection projects in 37 countries. "myclimate" climate protection projects meet the highest standards (Gold Standard, Plan Vivo) and, in addition to reducing greenhouse gases, make a demonstrable positive contribution to sustainable development locally and regionally.

In the CO₂ and resource management business field, "myclimate" supports companies with advice, analyses, IT tools and labels. Offers range from simple carbon footprints (emission calculations) at company level to detailed life cycle assessments of products. Experienced consultants help to identify and develop potential in the areas of energy and resource efficiency. In addition, "myclimate" encourages people to contribute to our future with action-oriented and interactive educational offers.

CO2 Compensation Projects

Compensation projects meet the highest gold standard. Continue to our CO2 compensation projects with «myclimate».

Projekte >
Road Transport Truck Driving at Sunset - Less CO2 for Climate Protection